Exhibitions of Rómer Flóris Art and Historical Museum

Rómer Flóris Art and Historical Museum was founded by the city government in 1994 with the aim of professionally caring for, processing, developing and publishing the city’s fine and applied art collections in the context of permanent and temporary exhibitions.

The museum exhibitions can be found at the following exhibition locations:

  • Petőfi and his contemporaries in Győr – Esterházy Palace (9021 Győr, Király str. 17.)
  • Miklós Borsos Permanent Exhibition – Episcopal Court House (9021 Győr, Apor Vilmos püspök square 2.)
  • Péter Váczy Collection, Hungarian Ispita (Nefelejts köz. 3.)
  • Margit Kovács Permanent Exhibition – Kreszta House(9021 Győr, Apáca str. 1.)
  • Tile stove History Exhibition – Fruhmann HOuse (Kiss János str. 9.)
  • Vasilescu Collection – Synagogue (9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos str. 5.)
  • Castle Casamate – Lapidarium (Bécsi kapu sqr. 5.)


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Adatkezelési nyilatkozat

Média támogató


9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771