
9071 Háry Dezső tér

Just as travelers of ancient times rested here, so today’s tourists can find peace in the eye-catching natural beauty of the Danube bank in Gönyű. They can come to us from Győr on two wheels on the EURO VELO 6 cycle path, they can come on four wheels on the main road 1, but we also welcome those coming from the direction of the water, they are greeted by a falcon and a new float.
A popular destination for tourists is the Danube Panorama Educational Trail. From Madárdal, a loud path leads down to the Danube, which opens up in front of us with an unexpected panorama. The walk is an experience for all ages. Some admire the panorama, others like to read local history curiosities, and there are sure to be those who watch a movie on their smartphone or play the tale of Gönyű to the little ones of the family. At the end of the study trail, you will also find a lookout point where you can observe the birds flying over the water and the boats on the Danube through a panoramic telescope.
The boat playground at the end of the promenade offers a range of experiences for younger and older children, and can also be a great attunement to the Boat Exhibition, which showcases the relics of local sailors and fishermen. In addition to nautical equipment, uniforms, and mock-ups, there is also an interactive bow in the exhibition space, where the bell can be sounded and wagon selfies can be made in it.
There is no shortage of “legends” in the settlement either. If you are lucky, you can walk along the study trail to see Hungary’s largest and most powerful icebreaker, the Széchenyi, and walk with us on Hungary’s longest village cobblestone road, which is almost 3 kilometers long.
Visit us and decide if the slogan is an exaggeration: Gönyű, the big catch!

For more information, visit our websites and check out our YouTube channel!


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Adatkezelési nyilatkozat

Média támogató


9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771