Iron Stump house

One of the most iconic buildings of Győr can be found at the west side of the Széchenyi Square, under house number 4.

The house dates back to the 16th century and was owned by the magistrates of the town. One of them, namely Orbán Gindl was the one who has the second floor built.

It is not only unique because of the two storied, cylindrical shaped corner balcony, but also due to its particular trade-sign. This stump – covered with iron and blacksmith nails – is connected to one of the legends about Győr.

In the 19th century, everyone was familiar with Vienna’s Iron Stump, the Stock im Eisen near the Stephansdom. Mátyás Zittritsch took advantage of this when he made this Iron Stump of Győr in 1829. He placed it in front of another house in the square, and four years later, when he bought this building, he brought the Iron Stump with him. This is the reason why it is used to be called the Iron Stump House. Mátyás Zittritsch was a grocer and in 1833 he opened a spicery in the building.

According to the legend, traveling young craftsmen hit the blacksmith nails into this stump. This story is possibly true for the original iron stump in Vienna. As for the iron stump in Győr, it is more likely that Mr. Zittritsch made it with all the nails in it. This iron stump became an iconic symbol of Győr, just as the other one did in Vienna.

The entrance to the building is from Lajos Stelzer Street, where we can see a small built-in balcony. After the renovation in the 1980s, the collection of Imre Patkó moved here. This collection is part of the Rómer Flóris Art and Historical Museum’s permanent exhibitions.


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
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9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771