Baroque Wedding

Baroque Wedding

Start — August 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM
End — August 10, 2024 at 11:00 PM

The unique Baroque Wedding, the jewel of Győr's Baroque city centre, has been extended for a zero-day this year: on Thursday 8 August, our venues will not be without a programme.
This year, in addition to the two traditional venues, Széchenyi Square and Dunakapu Square, Radó Island will also be part of the Baroque cycle. This time the island will be populated by traditionalists.
In Széchenyi Square, in addition to the splendour of the well-known Baroque garden, there will be a number of craft stalls and traditional troupes. Children's activities will also take place here.


Thursday 8 August
Gammapolis Band (Omega Melodies)
Raab+ String Ensemble
Barocco Dance Group
Venue: Dunakapu Square
Friday 9 August
Tower music
Performed by the Trumpet Department of the János Richter Secondary School of Music
Conductor: László Horváth
Location: Széchenyi Square, Lloyd's Palace Arch
Dance of Generations
Győr Barocco Dance Group, Kisalföld Dance Ensemble and Grácia
Art School, Camerata Sumynona Old Music Ensemble
Venue: Széchenyi Square
Dance of the Angels
Grácia Elementary School of Arts
Place: Széchenyi Square
Széchenyi Square Square Seneca Square 5.5 p.m.
Place: Széchenyi Square
The traditional groups will take the stage and the master of ceremonies will address them by name. The flag ribbon: a ribbon will be tied on the flag of the traditional association with the inscription Baroque Wedding Győr 2024
Baroque parade through the streets of the city centre
Performer: Kisalföld Dance Ensemble
Széchenyi tér - Kazinczy utca - Baross út
Stop: at Megyeház Square
Serenade for the bride with the Savaria Baroque Orchestra's performance of Mozart's comic opera Bastien and Bastienne
Place: courtyard of Zichy Palace

Swing á la Django: Bach to the Future
The two-time gold record label Swing á la Django invites music lovers to a special evening. The concert will feature the greatest works of Baroque music by Bach, Handel, Vivaldi and Albinoni, but in a way that has never been done before. The evening will feature Bach Air, Handel's Hallelujah, Vivaldi's Cello Concertos and Bach's Violin Concerto in A minor, as well as Albinoni's Adagio, all in an exciting and modern guise.
Venue: Dunakapu Square
Dance House
Camerata Sumynona Early Music Ensemble, Győr Barocco Dance Group
Place: Széchenyi Square

Saturday 10 August
Life in the camp
Baroque wanderings in Győr - on the day of the Baroque Wedding
Location: Széchenyi Square, Mária Column
Participation fee: 4500,-Ft, Pensioner, student: 4000,-Ft
For participation in the programme, advance ticket purchase is required. Guests will be provided with a tourist guide kit.
Species games -Virgonckles
Place: Radó Island
10.00-20.00 Fair, traditional groups, craft activities for children
Place: Széchenyi Square
Tower music
With the trumpet section of the János Richter Music Secondary School
Conductor: László Horváth
Location: Széchenyi Square, Lloyd's Palace Arch

Baroque comedy - fairground comedy

Location: crossing of Baross út Arany János utca
Little Women Sniffing Slippers - children's performance
Performer: Hungarian Folk Tale Theatre
Place: Széchenyi Square, area in front of the Apátúr House
Concert of Ensemble Pannónia Superior
Place: Apátúr House, banquet hall
Petting zoo
Location: Radó Island


New Moon Ensemble concert
Location: the Apatür House, banquet hall
Tower music
Performed by the Trumpet Department of the János Richter Secondary School of Music
Conductor: László Horváth
Location: Széchenyi Square, Lloyd's Palace Arch
Ensemble Pannónia Superior concert
Location: Apátúr-House, Banquet Hall
(Flóra Balogh, Borbála Barasevich, Edit Drüszler, Blanka Nagy - vocals, Aporka Novák, Eszter Maráz: flute, Estilla Geiger: baroque cello, Gábor Prehoffer: harpsichord)
Angel Dance
Performance by Grácia Elementary Art School
Golden Lamb - interactive children's performance
Hungarian Folktale Theatre
Location: Széchenyi Square, in front of the Apátúr House
Foolish Wedding - a parody of the Baroque Wedding CeremonyCommedia dell'arte (improvised play, a form of which flourished in Italy in the 16th and 18th centuries)

"If I cannot have the partner of my life, I will live with my wits, I will choose the one who will bring more love into the marriage." - the young man forced to marry makes a vow to himself...
With the participation of the actors of the Rivalda Theatre in Dunaserdahely
Master of Ceremonies: Zoltán Zugmann
Széchenyi Square
Széchenyi Zoltán Zalda Street
Performance of the Barocco Dance Group from Győr
Place: the Apatür House, banquet hall
Concert of the Musica Historica Régizene Ensemble
Place: Széchenyi Square
Concert by Bálint Kovács and the Simplicissimus Ensemble
Location: the Apatúr House, banquet hall


Baroque wedding parade
About two hundred merry costumes accompany the bride and groom on the great journey of their lives, their wedding. The procession is led by the Giantess, the symbol of fertility, followed by the personified virtues of Justice, Temperance and Wisdom........ on golden chariots as well-wishers. The merry cavalcade of musicians and dancers is a veritable fashion show, with traditional baroque costumes and parodied costumes being joined by crazy musicians and dames who make the procession even more spectacular.
This year, the Met is accompanied by horsemen, the newlyweds arriving at the ceremony on a five-in-hand from Bábolna.
Baroque Wedding
The ceremony will reveal how a Hungarian aristocratic couple once pledged their eternal allegiance to each other in the 17th century. The groom kneels to ask his bride to marry him, they sign the dowry, the town's "magistrate" confirms their union and the wedding ring is put on their finger. The bridesmaids place the headdress on the bride's head, which is a symbol of the bride's bridehood, and the best man takes it off her head with a sword and throws it into the crowd. Dancers march in, torchlight dancing around the bride and groom, and white doves, symbols of love and happiness, fly.
At the end of the ceremony, a fountain of sparks makes the evening even more festive.


Baroque entertainment with dancing
The dances of the middle classes of the 17th and 18th centuries, the contra dances, are something that can be enjoyed and enjoyed even by those who have never tried them. The easy, captivating formations offer an experience of "flow".
Gábor Kovács Phd.
Music by Musica Historica Ensemble
Location: Dunakapu Square
Herendi porcelain painter demonstration
The programme is recommended for children over 8 years of age.
Registration is required for free participation at




Dunakapu tér