Laser Tag

+36 30 740 4745
Győr, Püspökerdő, Rioter Games Élmény- és Kalandpark

Are you looking for an incredibly fun, safe recreation in nature that will also get you moving? Then choose the laser fight, where two teams compare their skills!

The experience of laser combat, which can be played from the age of 7, is further enhanced by the fact that the program is accompanied by sound and light effects, so you can really feel yourself on the battlefield while trying to hunt down the enemy.

But who will come out victorious in the end? It’s up to you!


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Adatkezelési nyilatkozat

Média támogató


9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771