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Brass Music

The joint concert of the Audi Bläserphilharmonie and the Győr Philharmonic Orchestra Program: T. Kraas: Imagasy G. Holst: Suite No. 2 in F major T. Doss: Of Castles and Legends O. Waespi: Fanfare and Funk S. Melillo: Godspeed! F. Hidas: Festive Music S. Yagisawa: Perseus Reed: Armenian Dances Part I. J. Fučik: Gigantic March Conducted […]

World Music Day

Program: L. van Beethoven: IV. (G major) Piano Concerto, op. 58 G. Mahler: I. (D major) Symphony, “Titan” Featuring: Zoltán Fejérvári — piano Conductor: Martin Rajna The Győr Philharmonic Orchestra celebrates World Music Day with two monumental masterpieces from European music history at the opening concert of the Nikisch subscription series. In the first half, […]

Budapest Bar

Budapest Bar is always a blast: excellent songs, great covers, wonderful musicians, and fantastic singers. Unclouded entertainment, drama, love, disappointment, joy, and uplifting music for nearly two hours. Always good and always different: with lots of new songs, but also bringing back old favorites, the band arrives in Győr once again, this time with Behumi […]

Truesounds Music Showcase

Truesounds Music parties get better and more mature year after year, and the COMMUNITY centered around the sound becomes more unified, happier, and liberated. We’re raising the musical bar higher! This will be the focus of the 2023/24 club season! We’re eagerly looking forward to the return to Győr, a connection that was only deepened […]

Pink Run & Walk

Why pink? Because it’s the color of the fight against breast cancer. With this event, we aim to draw attention to the importance of breast cancer screening and collect DONATIONS for the Chance for Healing Association for Cancer Patients in Győr. The association provides daily peer support services, regular free medical consultations for patients and […]

Margaret Island x Ballet

The Margaret Island, in collaboration with the Szegedi Contemporary Ballet, presents its most prestigious production in the history of the band. In an extraordinary concert experience on an 8-stop nationwide tour, audiences and fans will witness a unique interdisciplinary production born from the intertwining of pop music, poetry, and contemporary dance. The rearranged program will […]

II. Drone Racing World Cup

The Hungarian Drone and Multirotor Association was founded in 2016 and has been operating successfully since then, as the II Hungarian Drone World Cup, the II Drone Racing World Cup Hungary, will be organised between 25-27 August 2023, thanks to the recommendation of the Modeling Association, its outstanding work in international organisations, its past achievements […]

LOVASI: Unrelenting

LOVASI András regularly performs his show “Unrelenting” at the Katona József Theater in Budapest. He chooses from his rich song repertoire spanning 35 years with personal stories and a lot of humor. LOVASI’s songs and lyrics have had a significant influence on the multitude of contemporary Hungarian pop music composers.


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
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9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771