
Originally, two buildings stood on the site of the house at number 13 on Bécsi Kapu Square. The present palace was built between 1778 and 1782 by the bishop of Győr, Ferenc Zichy, on the site of the two old house. Later, the building was owned by the “Ott” family and their coat of arms can be seen above the balcony today. It is an interesting fact that the braided facade of the two-storey

It is interesting that the braided facade of the two-story house can be deceiving, because the second floor is actually fake. There is only an attic space behind the facade, and its louvred windows serve to ventilate it. Today the building functions as a residential building, just like before.





Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Adatkezelési nyilatkozat

Média támogató


9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771