Reformed Church

With its 776 seats, the Reformed Church on Kossuth Street became the true center of the Győr Calvinists after opening its doors in 1906. The building was designed by the Győr-born architect Csányi Károly, a university professor, and Győző Czigler. The construction was supervised by master builder Lajos Káldy.

The church bears the characteristics of late historicist style with its strongly articulated mass. Its interior has a unified effect, adorned with simple Gothic motifs in its vast nave. The longitudinal floor plan is enclosed by an apse with eight sides, and the slender corner tower reaching skyward, topped with a star, is noticeable from afar.


Győr Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Adatkezelési nyilatkozat

Média támogató


9021 Győr, Baross Gábor út 21.
+36 96 311 771